Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How do we store information?

How we store information is a big deal in the computing world. It lets us access information in a timely matter and get what we need. In the computing world, all information is stored in som
e kind of data structure. When you look up your friends on facebook or linked-in, all that information is stored and accessed using algorithms. Information is stored in various data structures such as B-trees, graphs, hash tables, and arrays.

What kind of information is being stored and our limitations will tell us what data structure we should use. Different data structures for minimum storage size may be an array or linked list. however the search time for an item in the list isnt as great as another data structure. So with each data structure there are trade offs. There is no overall perfect data structure for all information. If the want a fast sorting algorithm it may take up more more space than one that takes longer with a smaller space requirement. In a blog written by
Andy Lim, he mentions memory issues and constraints of different systems, he  says"
These two architectures lead to various pros and cons relative to each other and to the standard matrix format."

Data Structures are the core foundation on which to program. You cant get by without knowing these things. Every piece of technology you use has some kind of association with data structures and algorithms. In short, you need to know Data Structures to be a Computer Science major, it is the foundation of modern computing.

Andy Lim Blog:

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